4 Years of blogging and here’s what I’ve learned.

I have been blogging for 4 years now and it’s actually so crazy to believe that back in 2016 when I realized that I wanted to write about fashion and become a fashion blogger – that I was gonna make it this far! I really didn’t think that I was going to last this long because I really thought to ”myself maybe it’s just a hobby” or maybe I’m just bored at the moment..

So I wanted to share with you guys what I have learned so far with being a fashion blogger. I feel like no matter how long you do anything you will always learn something new. There are bloggers out there that have been blogging for years and years and still to this day they learn more. For me, this is what I’ve learned through the course of it all during my 4 years and still currently.

What To Know

  • Never assume that success will happen overnight (it will drive you crazy)

Let’s be honest when you see others at the mountain top to success you can’t wait to get there yourself, then reality kicks in and you have to quickly humble down and realize that it will not happen that way, but with all dedication and consistency, you’ll be right at the top with them.

  • Attend events

If you can, make your way to networking events and connect with people! I was bad at this in the beginning because I can be very shy. But blogging helped me out with that. The more you connect the more people you know and then more relationships you build. And that my friend will benefit your blog A LOT.

  • Stay consistent

Want to know something crazy? I’m still trying to tackle this part. Consistency is key, to anything if you want success out of it. The more you post and interact the more you attract and receive people’s attention. And trust me it can be hard sometimes. What I’ve been doing is reminding myself of that feeling of accomplishment and I get back to it.

  • Check your emails

I had a bad habit of doing this because when I started out no one was really reaching out to me at the time so I got a little discouraged and didn’t check my emails for a while. (well that was stupid) you never know how many awesome opportunities you will miss out on! Check your emails like you check your Instagram every morning because when an opportunity comes you want to make sure you’re active to accept that opportunity and collect your deal! You never know it may be a brand you’ve been dying to work with.

  • Never compare yourself to other bloggers

I had such a tough time realizing that everyone has their own separate path and works at their own pace. I used to compare a lot. And I don’t mind sharing that with you guys because it’s the truth. I just thought well if they got that then I should have gotten it to. and guys that’s not what a Girl Boss does. Focus on yourself and put that energy on your brand, blog, business, etc.

  • Invest

This year I actually took more action on investing in my blog. I have purchased ebooks from successful bloggers, using Ad services, etc. I even opened up a savings account specifically for my blog and other businesses. Any extra money I receive I put in that account. Invest in yourself before you do anything else. And make sure if you invest you take advantage of that investment and use it to the best of your accountability.

  • Just have fun

I love what I do but sometimes it can be taken too seriously. I learned that with just enjoying the experience and actually having fun building my blog it’s so much more stress-free. Take it seriously but not too seriously. Let your hair down and just have fun!

Well here we are 4 years later and loreanstyles has grown so much! Through all trials and error, it has honestly been a whirlwind of lesson learns and accomplishments.

Thanks for reading guys!


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